Do you want to practice your culinary and/or baking skills this term? Perhaps you are experimenting with a technique from class, working on a project, or testing out a new recipe? CCI encourages students to practice during Open Lab hours. A CCI Lab Assistant will be there to assist you with class preparations, practice and personal exploration.

Spring 2025

Open lab will start April 10th and ends May 25th, 2025

  • Thursdays 10am-12pm in CUL 117 & Fridays 3pm-5pm

Complete Lab Request Form to sign up.

CCI Open Lab Student

Open Lab Requirements

  • CCI culinary uniform requirements are expected and enforced.
  • Lab capacity is 12 students.
  • Starting Spring 24, no assessments for make-up work will be done in Open Lab. See the new class contracts each instructor will be using.
  • All regular class guidelines are to be followed (cleaning up when you are done, safety, and sanitation).
  • Students are required to communicate their ingredient needs:
    • Use the RSVP form fields to communicate your ingredient needs.
    • This will streamline communication with Lisa Camp, Purchasing Specialist ([email protected]) and Lab Assistants. See specific timeframe/deadlines on form, but Lisa typically needs a week notice. (For example, if you need fish, this step is crucial to ensure it is not frozen and that it is available).

Open Lab Cancellations

If you cannot attend you must send an email to notify the following people: [email protected]

If you are requesting special ingredient purchases, it is especially important for you to communicate cancellations as far in advance as possible. Availability of special purchases is dependent upon staff time and reasonable cost and logistics. Students must be good stewards of Open Lab resources.